“Peace of Mind” Study

Kathy Bradley, IBCLC, CCE, CD- Lead Facilitator
Brianna Santiago – Research Assistant
April Merritt, MD Advisory Board
Camille Engle MSN, CNL, RN- Advisory Board
Problem Statement

In 2021, the U.S National Center for Health Statistics declared a maternal health crisis due to the increasing rate of maternal mortality and lack of maternal satisfaction throughout the birthing process (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). It is evident that the ratio of medical providers to expecting mothers in the United States is significantly lower than that of other developed nations and are reflected in a need for increased pregnancy, labor, and breastfeeding support. Currently, educators, doulas and lactation consultants are active in the field of maternal health to combat the lack of primarily emotional and psychological guidance that expectant mothers desire. However, there is not one occupation that encompasses all of these roles into one. A Childbirth Consultant aims at bridging this gap as an experienced provider trained independently as a Childbirth Educator, Doula and Lactation Educator.
About the study

1. To provide education, emotional support and guidance throughout the childbearing year.
2. To reduce fear and anxiety navigating pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.
3. To help families feel connected to a supportive community that provides evidence based information and trauma informed support.
Childbirth Concierge would like to invite anyone who is pregnant to be a part of our Peace of Mind Study. The objective of this pilot project/study is to offer support, guidance, education and valuable insights during your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey via connecting you with a Certified Childbirth Consultant in various digital platforms.
A Childbirth Consultant is trained as a childbirth educator, doula and lactation educator.
Our ultimate goal is to assess the significant impact our consultants can have on a pregnant person’s overall experience and utilize that information to assist expectant families in the future.
How the study is implimented
Those connected to a childbirth consultant will be randomly enrolled in one of our three programs. These programs offer various levels of support.

Who is eligible?
Participants must be located in the United States, pregnant, under the care of a OBGYN or Midwife and have an active Facebook Account, be able to use the WhatsApp to participate as well as agree to fill out surveys during the study period. Participation in this study is completely free of charge and there is no compensation for participation. All communication for this study is in English.
What is required for participation?
We encourage participants to utilize access to the Certified Childbirth Consultants via the pathways that they are randomly chosen to be in. Various Google form & surveys , occasional phone calls will be required before and after the the participant conclued their participation.
For those Interested in Participation
Please fill out this form if you are interested in being a part of the study.

About Childbirth Concierge
With over 30 years of experience supporting thousands of families throughout Central Florida, the experts at Childbirth Concierge provide the guidance and understanding you need and deserve through this significant time in your life.
Founded by industry pioneer Kathy Bradley and endorsed by leading doctors, midwives and practitioners throughout Central Florida, Childbirth Concierge delivers Peace of Mind to parents, families and caregivers. Trust the team to support you throughout the stages of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.