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Giving Birth During Covid-19

Giving Birth During Covid-19

No doubt you did not plan to give birth during the corona virus pandemic! We are in chaotic and very stressful times as our country navigates through this global pandemic.  Childbirth Concierge has always dedicated our work to Delivering your peace of mind!  We spoke...

Postpartum Doula: Indulgence or Necessity?

Postpartum Doula: Indulgence or Necessity?

“Postpartum services are so under-utilized and they don’t have to be!” Those are the exact words of second-time mommy, Meghan Manella of Orlando Florida, who used a Postpartum Doula for the first time after the birth of her second son. So, what exactly are Postpartum...

Rethinking Childbirth Education

Rethinking Childbirth Education

Why is change so hard? It is a question I often ask myself, but I guess if I were to answer my own question I would have to say it is because we like the familiar. The things we are used to, things that we have become comfortable with. To make a change requires use to...

Breastfeeding…The Organic Way to Feed Baby

Breastfeeding…The Organic Way to Feed Baby

Breastfeeding-Feed Your Baby Organic We all have heard that breastfeeding your baby is best! But did you know that breastmilk offers 100% of what your baby needs, and that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months...

When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Feel Like the Best!

When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Feel Like the Best!

Breastfeeding Not all women enjoy breastfeeding! There I said it and as much as I wish it were not true, it is! As an IBCLC I have had many women over the last 25 years confide in me that they were feeding their baby breastmilk because they knew it was the best...

Doulas- Why Such a Wide Ranges of Prices?

Doulas- Why Such a Wide Ranges of Prices?

Doulas I remember being so excited receiving my first check as a doula, known back then as a childbirth assistant. It was 1990 and in the previous years of "doing this work" the word doula wasn't even in my vocabulary. During my training I was willing to pay someone...

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