Partner Support During Pregnancy

Partner Support During Pregnancy

Partner Support in Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a transformative journey and partner support during this time is crucial for both the expectant mother and the relationship. Partner support encompasses emotional practical financial and social aspects ensuring the wellbeing of the mother and the smooth transition to parenthood.


Emotional Support During Pregnancy


Pregnancy brings a whirlwind of emotions from joy and excitement to anxiety and mood swings. Understanding these emotional changes is the first step in providing support Offer reassurance and comfort reminding your partner that you’re in this together. Being present and attentive whether its listening to their concerns or sharing in their excitement helps build a strong emotional bond.


Practical Support During Pregnancy


Practical support means assisting with daily tasks which can become more challenging as pregnancy progresses .This includes household chores shopping and even meal preparation. Helping with appointments and planning for the baby such as setting up the nursery or attending prenatal visits shows your commitment and involvement.


Health and Wellness Support


Encouraging healthy habits is essential for the wellbeing of both mother and baby. Attend prenatal classes together to learn about the stages of pregnancy and childbirth. Supporting medical decisions whether it’s about prenatal tests or choosing a birth plan ensures that your partner feels confident and supported.


Financial Support During Pregnancy


Pregnancy can bring financial challenges from medical bills to preparing for the baby. Budgeting together for pregnancy and future expenses is crucial. Discuss and manage maternity leave and work arrangements to ensure a smooth transition. Planning for future expenses such as childcare and education helps alleviate financial stress.


Social Support During Pregnancy


Building a supportive network of family and friends can provide additional comfort and assistance. Involving loved ones in the journey and joining pregnancy support groups can offer emotional and practical advice. Balancing social interactions while preparing for the baby is key to maintaining a well-rounded support system.


Challenges of Providing Support During Pregnancy


Balancing work and providing support can be challenging. Its important to manage stress and anxiety effectively both for yourself and your partner. Addressing conflicting advice from well-meaning friends and family requires open communication and mutual agreement on what works best for you both.


Effective Communication Strategies


Keeping open lines of communication is vital. Express your concerns and needs honestly and encourage your partner to do the same. Nonverbal cues such as a reassuring touch or a warm smile can also communicate your support effectively.


Building Intimacy and Connection


Maintaining physical intimacy during pregnancy can be challenging but is important for emotional closeness. Sharing experiences and feelings whether its the excitement of baby kicks or concerns about the future strengthens your connection. Planning relaxation and bonding time like a date night or a weekend getaway helps keep the romance alive.


Conflict Resolution During Pregnancy


Understanding hormonal influences can help in navigating disagreements more compassionately. Addressing issues calmly and seeking compromise is crucial. If conflicts escalate consider seeking professional help through counseling to ensure a harmonious relationship.


Supporting Each Other’s Mental Health


Pregnancy can bring about anxiety and depression. Recognize the signs and encourage your partner to seek professional support if needed. Practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques together can help manage stress and improve mental wellbeing.


Preparing for Parenthood Together


Discussing parenting styles and goals is essential for a unified approach to parenting. Attend parenting classes together to learn about newborn care and parenting strategies. Creating a birth plan together ensures that both partners are on the same page about the delivery process.


Self-care for Both Partners


Maintaining individual interests and hobbies is important for personal wellbeing. Practice self-compassion and ensure that both partners get adequate rest and relaxation. Supporting each other in selfcare helps maintain a balanced relationship.


The Role of Technology in Partner Support


Technology can aid in tracking and planning pregnancy milestones. Use apps to monitor the baby’s development and plan appointments. Accessing online resources and communities can provide additional support and information .However managing screen time is crucial to ensure quality time together.




In summary partner support during pregnancy involves emotional practical financial and social dimensions. Providing robust support strengthens the relationship and ensures the wellbeing of both mother and baby. By balancing support with individual needs maintaining effective communication and preparing for parenthood together partners can navigate this transformative journey successfully.




How can I better support my partner emotionally during pregnancy?


To better support your partner emotionally during pregnancy practice active listening show empathy and be present for their emotional ups and downs. Offer reassurance and comfort and remind them that you’re in this together.


What are some practical ways to assist my partner during pregnancy?


Practical ways to assist your partner include sharing household chores running errands attending prenatal appointments and preparing for the baby’s arrival. Being proactive in easing their daily burdens can show your care and commitment.


How do we manage financial stress during pregnancy?


Managing financial stress involves creating a joint budget discussing expenses openly and planning for future costs related to the baby. Managing work and maternity leave arrangements can also help alleviate financial concerns.


How can we maintain a healthy social life while preparing for a baby?


Maintaining a healthy social life involves encouraging each other to spend time with friends and family participating in social activities together and balancing social interactions with quality time as a couple.

Why Choose Childbirth Classes at Childbirth Concierge

Why Choose Childbirth Classes at Childbirth Concierge

Welcoming a new life into the world is one of the most transformative experiences you’ll ever have. At Childbirth Concierge, we understand that this journey is filled with excitement, anticipation, and sometimes, a little bit of anxiety. We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible support through our comprehensive childbirth classes. Here’s why choosing Childbirth Concierge for your childbirth education can make all the difference.

Personalized Attention and Expert Guidance

We believe that every family’s journey is unique. Our classes are designed to cater to your individual needs, ensuring you receive the personalized attention you deserve. Our experienced instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach to every class. They are committed to answering your questions, addressing your concerns, and empowering you with the information you need to feel confident and prepared.

Comprehensive and Holistic Approach

Our childbirth classes cover every aspect of the birthing process, from understanding labor stages and pain management techniques to newborn care and postpartum recovery. We take a holistic approach, addressing not only the physical but also the emotional and psychological aspects of childbirth. This ensures that you and your partner are fully prepared for the incredible journey ahead.

Building Confidence and Reducing Fear

Childbirth can be daunting, especially for first-time parents. Our classes are designed to alleviate your fears and build your confidence. By providing clear, accurate information about what to expect, we help you demystify the birthing process. You’ll learn practical techniques for managing pain, making informed decisions, and navigating the unexpected, all of which contribute to a more positive and empowered birthing experience.

Creating a Supportive Community

One of the most valuable aspects of our childbirth classes is the sense of community they foster. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with other expectant parents who are going through similar experiences. These connections often extend beyond the classroom, providing a network of support and friendship that can be invaluable during pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood.

Inclusive and Accessible Options

We understand that every family has different needs and schedules. That’s why we offer you a variety of class formats, including in-person, private, and virtual options. Whether you prefer the intimacy of a one-on-one session or the convenience of online learning, we have a class that fits your lifestyle. Our goal is to make high-quality childbirth education accessible to everyone, no matter your circumstances.

Empowering You for a Confident Birth

Our ultimate aim at Childbirth Concierge is to empower you to have the birth experience you desire. We equip you with the tools and knowledge to make informed choices, advocate for your preferences, and approach your birthing day with confidence. We believe that when you feel informed and supported, you can embrace the beauty of childbirth with a sense of peace and assurance.

Testimonials from Our Families

Here’s what some of our families have to say about their experience with Childbirth Concierge:
*”Taking the childbirth class at Childbirth Concierge was the best decision we made during our pregnancy. The information was comprehensive, and the support we received was incredible. We felt so much more confident and prepared for our baby’s arrival.”* – Sarah and John
*”The instructors at Childbirth Concierge are amazing! They provided personalized attention and answered all our questions with patience and expertise. We couldn’t have asked for a better experience.”* – Emily and James


Choosing Childbirth Concierge for your childbirth education means choosing a path of empowerment, support, and confidence. Our classes are designed to prepare you for the incredible journey of childbirth, ensuring you feel knowledgeable, supported, and ready to welcome your new baby with open arms. Join our community and let us help you make your childbirth experience as positive and memorable as it can be.
Should I go to a Childbirth Class?

Should I go to a Childbirth Class?

Childbirth Class

Often times I hear pregnant moms say “I don’t need to go to childbirth class I am going to use an epidural” and it is probably one of the biggest misconceptions about childbirth class that exist. Before the electronic era and wide spread use of pain medication for pain control, the common way expectant parents could learn about what was going to happen to them during birth was to attend a childbirth class. Over the years the childbirth education classes have seen a decline in attendance, yet a lot of people spend more time and resources researching how to remodel a bathroom or kitchen than learning about bringing a baby into the world.


Today offers a lot more options. With YouTube and the internet, one doesn’t even need to leave their home or put down their hand held device to get advice and information on giving birth.  It is true that babies will come into this world without their parents taking a class on “childbirth”. After all, childbirth classes didn’t exist 100 plus years ago and babies still arrived. Fast forward to a very busy society.  Today 80% to 90% of laboring patients use epidural and c-section rates are the highest they have ever been across the United States.
Learning from a childbirth expert what you can do to increase your chances of a positive birth experience is worth your time and money. Most hospitals offer some type of class, but it is also very popular to see other classes offered in the community. For those with busy schedules, private classes are the perfect option and are not as expensive as you might think. Most classes whether group or private should cover basic items like when to go to the hospital or birth center, stages and phases of labor, basic terminology, comfort measures, partner tips, interventions. Some classes include newborn care and breastfeeding. The hot topics usually are pain medications.

Thoughts on Pain Management

In my 34 years of experience there are generally three types of thinking when approaching pain control;
1. I definitely want an epidural.
2. I will wait and see if I need one.
3. No thank you, I do not want one.
There is no right or wrong answer, only you can decide, but I also encourage you to stay open about options. For example if you are planning on an epidural learning about when the ideal time is  to get an epidural can help you to decrease your chances of a C-section. Most moms don’t realize that the number one way to decrease their chances of a C-section is to wait until active labor to come to the hospital. We call this the 511 rule – contractions at least 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute long, for at least 1 hour. Also using a peanut ball decreases chances of surgery as well.
If you are planning on not having an epidural, have you thought about what it takes? Do you have good labor support? Have you thought about hiring a doula? Key to laboring without an epidural is movement, use of hydro therapy, access to many comfort measures, and understanding all the ins and outs of labor. Do you understand when an epidural can be beneficial? Yes, even for those “natural” mamas, sometimes interventions can be helpful in unique situations. Being prepared and not afraid makes a world of difference.
Birth planning and birth itself is not 100% black and white.

Education Empowers

The more you are educated and understand the value in good communication with your nurses, midwives and doctors the more satisfied you will be even if the need arises for a C-section.
Your childbirth educator is the expert that you can ask all kinds of questions to and bounce things off that you have read or heard.
It’s is your birth, and education is key!

Orlando classes click here

Virtual Classes email kathy@childbirthconcierge.com

Kathy Bradley, CD, ICCE, IBCLC has been in the Maternal Health field for 34 years and has taught countess families.  She taught for 14 years as the 2nd largest volume hospital in the US, located in Orlando.

Morning Sickness on Steroids- Hypremesis Gravidarum

Morning Sickness on Steroids- Hypremesis Gravidarum

I found out I was pregnant about three months after suffering the loss of my first pregnancy. I was anxious and scared but welcomed the morning sickness. Everyone told me that morning sickness was a good sign that my pregnancy was progressing along. According to that sign, it was progressing but the further along we got, the worse I became. The realization came when I drank about 2 ounces of blue gatorade and close to 20 mins later I was begging for the car to be pulled over so that I could vomit at the gas station. It got to where even water wouldn’t stay down. This prompted a visit to my midwife, who kindly explained that some women suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum and some to the extreme of needing to be hospitalized.

What is HG

Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a rare disorder characterized by severe and persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that may necessitate hospitalization, as described by the National Organization for Rare Disorders. According to the HER Foundation, HG is the leading cause of hospitalization in early pregnancy, and is second only to preterm labor as the most common overall cause of hospitalization during pregnancy. I was excited to have a diagnoses because in my mind at that point, it could be treated. I could not have been more wrong. HG is rare and there is not enough research to know or understand where it comes from or why it happens. The way it affects each woman and each pregnancy varies.

Not Your Typical Morning Sickness

HG is not the typical morning sickness that you often hear about associated with pregnancy. HG is much more severe, at times causing hospitalization and even loss of pregnancy. As a two-time HG survivor, I would describe it as morning sickness on steroids.  I, fortunately, never experienced being hospitalized for a period of time during either of my pregnancies. But did end up in the emergency room countless times needing IV fluids due to dehydration. The nausea and vomiting were so bad that it caused petechia around my eyes and often my throat would bleed.  Weight loss to the tune of 40 pounds average during both pregnancies was overwhelming, especially when I should have been gaining weight.

It’s Not in Your Head

So many times I was told, “Try some ginger.” “Use SeaBands, they worked for me!” “Eat some saltines.” I wanted to scream in response. I was already being treated with anti-nausea meds that they use to treat cancer patients, and it only slightly helped. The comments became unrelenting. “Oh I have morning sickness too.” “I had it so bad for a couple weeks. Yours will go away soon.” Mine did not go away, either time, until I gave birth. 

I can remember thinking at one time, “Why am I even pregnant? This is utter hell.” Immediately guilt set in. This is when I began to search for more information on HG. The HER Foundation also says that nearly 20% of HG pregnancies are lost to therapeutic terminations, citing “no hope for relief.” This is heartbreaking and yet dare I say, I understand where these mommas come from. HG is relentless. It is 24/7 nausea so bad that it is difficult to move from the bed. Walking to the bathroom feels like a marathon, imagine caring for a family or working a job.

Even Royalty Can Suffer

Over the years, more awareness has come regarding HG.  Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton suffered HG with both pregnancies. Today is HG Awareness day and in honor of all the women and babies that have survived, I will leave you with this. If you know someone suffering with HG the best thing you can do is be there. Whatever you do, do not tell her;

1.“It must be in your head.” – I can promise you it is not. The suffering would be over if it was as simple as changing a thought.

2.“It will be over soon” – Delivery might be two days away but it will still feel like I lifetime.

3. “Eat some ginger.” – Ginger most likely will do nothing to stop the  vomiting.

Support Needed

What a mommy who has HG needs more than anything is support.  Send encouraging notes, donate towards research, offer to clean her home, watch her kids, cook her family dinner, and most of all love on her. When she finally  makes it full term and gives birth, celebrate! Bring her the food that she has missed out on for the last 9 months. And remember that post traumatic stress after HG is a real thing. BE kind and most of all, simply walk alongside her and support her.

Postpartum-After Baby Arrives     Kara Bradley is a mother of 2 young boys who while pregnant lost on average 40 pounds due to HG in pregnancy.  She is a writer, teacher, and a Certified Perinatal Educator.