How IBCLCs make a Difference in the Breastfeeding Journey

How IBCLCs make a Difference in the Breastfeeding Journey

International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, IBCLC

Make a significant difference in the breastfeeding journey in several ways:


March 6th is International IBCLC day- Cheers to all IBCLCs globally.

Expert Assessment: IBCLCs are highly trained in assessing lactation also known as breastfeeding with techniques, latch, milk transfer, and overall breastfeeding dynamics. They can identify any issues or challenges early on and provide recommendations for improvement.

Personalized Support: Every  parent and baby pair is unique, and IBCLCs offer personalized support tailored to individual needs. They take into account factors such as the baby’s age, mother’s health, and specific challenges to develop a customized plan for success.

Problem Solving: Breastfeeding can present various challenges such as latch difficulties, low milk supply, nipple pain, or concerns about weight gain. IBCLCs have the expertise to troubleshoot these issues, offer practical solutions, and guide parents through the process of overcoming obstacles.

Education and Empowerment: IBCLCs provide evidence-based education to parents on topics such as breastfeeding techniques, positioning, and understanding infant hunger cues. By empowering parents with knowledge and skills, IBCLCs help them feel more confident and capable in their  journey.

Support for Special Circumstances: IBCLCs are trained to support feeding in special circumstances. Such as premature infants, multiples, babies with medical conditions, or mothers with specific health concerns. They can offer guidance and strategies to address unique challenges and ensure optimal breastfeeding outcomes.

Emotional Support: Feeding can be emotionally challenging for some parents, especially if they encounter difficulties or face societal pressures. IBCLCs offer compassionate support, encouragement, and reassurance, helping parents navigate their breastfeeding journey with confidence and resilience.

Continuity of Care: IBCLCs often work collaboratively with other healthcare providers such as pediatricians, obstetricians, or midwives to ensure continuity of care. They communicate and coordinate with these professionals to address breastfeeding concerns comprehensively and provide holistic support to families.

Postpartum Support: The postpartum period is a critical time for establishing breastfeeding, and IBCLCs offer valuable support during this time. They can assist with  management, address concerns promptly, and provide ongoing support as needed to help parents succeed in their breastfeeding goals, even when baby isn’t going to the breast.

Overall, IBCLCs play a crucial role in supporting and guiding parents through their  journey, helping them overcome challenges, build confidence, and achieve successful outcomes for both parent and baby.

Reach out if you would like to meet with an IBCLC virtually. In person visits available in the Central Florida area.

Word is Spreading- “We made the news” Free Virtual Childbirth Classes during Covid-19

Word is Spreading- “We made the news” Free Virtual Childbirth Classes during Covid-19

Childbirth Concierge is offering certain free virtual childbirth and breastfeeding classes as well as virtual doula support during the Covid-19 aka Corona virus.  While Serving the greater Orlando area, our virtual classes and support has no location restrictions..

Anyone anywhere can benefit from our education and support.   Our company motto is Delivering your peace of mind!!  Please reach out , we are here to support you!

Click the you tub video to watch the new story.

Thank you to Spectrum News for taking the time to share our contribution.

Click Here for Full Story

If you are interested in Free Childbirth & Breastfeeding Classes or Virtual Labor Support please visit us at

Breastfeeding Class- Virtual


FREE Childbirth Class-Planning a Positive Birth Experience during Covid 19 – Virtual Class

Breastfeeding During Covid-19 Pandemic

Breastfeeding During Covid-19 Pandemic

No doubt you did not plan on the Covid-10 corona virus pandemic, let a lone while pregnant or breastfeeding! We are in chaotic and very stressful times as our country navigates through this global pandemic.  Childbirth Concierge has always dedicated our work to Delivering your peace of mind! 

Breastfeeding is very important for you and your baby.  The WHO and CDC are differing on what the recommendation is. However giving your baby breastmilk is agreed on currently by both organization.  Be sure to get guidance form your care providers concerting your infant.

Out team will be offering free childbirth and breastfeeding classes during the month of April you can click here to see available dates.

Free Virtual Breastfeeding Class During Covid 19



For additional information 

From the World Health Organization

From CDC.

Free Childbirth & Breastfeeding Classes or virtual labor support please visit us at

Delivering Your Peace of Mind!

Delivering Your Peace of Mind!

Can we say MIND BLOWN???? How can it be that as owner of Childbirth Concierge I am still a #birth junkie at heart all these years later?

It was her fault

On March 26 in 1989 I gave birth to my first daughter Kara Ann after 26 hours of a Pitocin induction for pre-eclampsia at 37 weeks gestation. Even though I did it without an epidural and had a forceps delivery, I could not have imagined that her delivery would be responsible for catapulting me into a career of helping women have a positive birth experience. Months after her delivery I kept processing my experience. I was educated, had gone to childbirth classes, had midwives and Obstetricians and yet I was left feeling like what happened to me?

And her fault too

The same year my bestie Beth was pregnant, and her bag of waters ruptured prematurely at 34 weeks. Having only been to one childbirth class, she called me to come help her breath since I had given birth a few months earlier. It was a pretty fast labor, as I stood across from her husband at Cape Canaveral Hospital in Florida encouraging them both. When their daughter, who now has her master’s degree, was born I experienced something I will never forget. I remembered thinking I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. I now know that “feeling” is referred to as the “birth high”!

He thought I was crazy

Doula was not a popular word then and only found in the Greek dictionary. For that fact (don’t tell anyone) the internet wasn’t even a thing. But I had to figure out how to keep doing what I had just experience. When I came home from that birth, I certainly was a chatty Kathy. My now ex-husband said “What is that you want to do? Become a nurse? Midwife? Doctor?” I replied “No, I just want to be beside with the momma and do what I did”!

My first training

A year later I wanted some kind of training for what I wanted to do. I called all over and went to the library to look a micro phish. Some of you will need to google to even become familiar with that word. Go ahead, go Google I will wait for you. Needless to say I found an article that mentioned the word doula but it referred only to the postpartum period. I eventually called the Dept. of Professional Regulation and the lady said she would mail me a copy of a brochure she had just received for a training in Tampa Florida for $150. I remember borrowing the money from my mom and mowing her lawn to work it off. That Childbirth Assistant training took weeks for me to process with so much new information and concepts for my mind.

I will pay you to be at your birth

As I set out to gain my experience needed for certification, it was very foreign for someone extra to be at a birth. I practically had to beg mommas to allow me to be there. In time Beth had a son Asher. I was able to support her and Greg again but this time as a “trained” doula.  Over time I gained more and more experience and became the first certified Childbirth Assistant in Florida with the former National Associated of Childbirth Assistants out of California. Over time I became an instructor for them and served on their Board of Directors.

Starting new things

In 1992 I borrowed 4 grand from my brother (my first business loan) and hired a top attorney to create the former Childbirth Enhancement Foundation (CEF) a non-profit organization. I developed a training and certification program and set up 14 hospital-based Doula and Internship Programs. In Santa Fe, NM I was contracted to help the hospital foundation write a $350,000 grant and then run the Doula Program. CEF trained hundreds of women and provided services to many communities. I am awe struck when I count how many doulas CEF trained that went on to become midwives. Three own local birth centers in the Greater Central Florida Area. I think last count was 14 midwives that began at a CEF training.

Times Change

During these growing years I went on to have 4 more children, 2 of which Jennie Joseph, LM, CPM delivered. I was working part time at a hospital in Orlando teaching childbirth education and had become an IBCLC. As with all things life happens and I went through an unexpected divorce, house fire and found myself questioning how to go on. I had come to a place where I was willing to walk away from it all and find a full-time job in corporate America. I took a year off from “birth work” and recharged and refocused. About that time Jennie and I decided to merge the training and certification work together in to her non-profit Commonsense Childbirth, Inc, and so CEF was put to rest. It was a hard but needed action. And in due time Childbirth Concierge was born.

No Time to Slow Down

So here I find myself pinching myself after all these years I still get to support families and now on a larger scale, than just myself. I have been blessed with an incredible team who upholds integrity and the spirit of service that are so important to me. Thank you Kara Ann for your birth that left me feeling empowered that I did it naturally, but yet wondering how I could have been more educated and empowered. Thank you Beth, Greg, and Laura for calling me in to my first experience of being beside with a family. Blessings to all the women who have allowed me to impart knowledge and wisdom and to the families who have trusted Childbirth Concierge to deliver their peace of mind!

Breastfeeding…The Organic Way to Feed Baby

Breastfeeding…The Organic Way to Feed Baby

Breastfeeding-Feed Your Baby Organic

We all have heard that breastfeeding your baby is best! But did you know that breastmilk offers 100% of what your baby needs, and that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life?
The benefits for babies that get their mom’s milk include, higher IQs, reduction in childhood cancers, obesity, diabetes, ear infections, and access to the mother immunities to mention a few. The benefits don’t stop for the baby but are extended to their moms as well including reduction in weight loss gained during pregnancy, female cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis and many more.

Do you know what the number one reason women give up breast feeding?
A) Lack of support
B) Too painful
C) They don’t believe they have enough milk

Most people think that the answer is “B-Too much pain” but the actual answer is “C- They don’t believe they have enough milk for baby”.
One of the most beneficial things you can do is go to a class and learn HOW to tell baby is getting. For the new parents it is pretty easy and doesn’t require a medical degree. You simply need to count the number of wet and dirty (urine and stool) diapers in a 24 hour period, and make sure it is the minimum number accepted for the age of your new baby. For example a 7 day old baby should have 6-8 wet diapers and 3-6 poop/dirty diapers. The basic concept is if breast milk is going in then there will be output in the diapers. is an excellent evidence based website for breastfeeding information.
Just as your body is designed to grow your baby and give birth, your body is designed to make and provide for your baby. Breastfeeding is the natural and most healthy way to feed your baby. The more milk that is removed from the breast the more milk the breast will produce. Getting support for family members is shown to help the breastfeeding relationship last longer. Also consider who you get information from (is it trusted and evidence based) and surround yourself with friends who have successfully breastfed their babies.
Many women accept that breastfeeding will be painful, but this is a misconception. Breastfeeding should not be painful to the point where you are crying, or dreading the next feeding. It is not normal for your nipples to be cracked and bleeding. If you experience pain or have concerns, getting the correct help from a lactation professional is crucial in helping you turn the situation around. Your hospital will provide breastfeeding help while you are there, and most offer outpatient services once you’re discharged. Also check with your pediatric office to see who they recommend. Some Board Certified Lactation Consults offer home visits, which are nice as they can help you in the comfort of your home where you are nursing all the time.
In January 2013 our current governmental administration mandated that insurance companies provide for lactation consults and pumping supplies. You are encouraged to call your insurance provider while pregnant to see what they exactly provide. If you are planning to return to work and will be pumping it is important to invest in a good pump. Poorly performing equipment can result in poor milk removal. So this is one area where better equipment is worth it.
Price ranges to expect in the Orlando are:
Office Consults range from $75-$120
Home Visits $120-$175
Double Pump Equipment (recommended for those returning to work) $180-$395

Key points to know:
Breastfeeding is normal and the perfect food for baby, water supplementation is not needed
Breastfeeding should NOT be painful
Milk removal (either by baby or pump) equals milk production “DEMAND & SUPPLY”
Know your baby’s diaper output to make sure it is enough
Know where to call or go for help

When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Feel Like the Best!

When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Feel Like the Best!


Not all women enjoy breastfeeding! There I said it and as much as I wish it were not true, it is! As an IBCLC I have had many women over the last 25 years confide in me that they were feeding their baby breastmilk because they knew it was the best nutrition for baby but deep inside they really didn’t enjoy it.

Our media has done a great job in creating the facade of the perfect wedding, the perfect pregnancy and the perfect baby. No doubt most Americans now understand that breastmilk is the perfect nutrition for baby, but some mom struggle with feeling like the perfect mom when they really are frustrated at times with breastfeeding. Whew that is a lot of “PERFECTS”! What does perfect really look like anyway?

If you happen to fit the above mentioned description, take a deep breath and slowly exhale. With that exhale and release all the guilt that has been eating you alive. There is no perfect breastfeeding “feeling”. True there are some moms that absolutely love breastfeeding, and that mom might be your best friend, but don’t compare yourself. Pat yourself on the back that you have made it this far…motherhood is not for the weary. Studies show that a baby that receives his mother’s milk just one time out performs, so to speak, a baby the never received his moms milk but got formula.

So for all you moms out there that at times feel like giving up, I say “welcome to the world of motherhood, where you will spend the next 18 years wondering what you were thinking when you had this baby and at the same time find it impossible to imagine life with out him.