Why Choose Childbirth Classes at Childbirth Concierge

Why Choose Childbirth Classes at Childbirth Concierge

Welcoming a new life into the world is one of the most transformative experiences you’ll ever have. At Childbirth Concierge, we understand that this journey is filled with excitement, anticipation, and sometimes, a little bit of anxiety. We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible support through our comprehensive childbirth classes. Here’s why choosing Childbirth Concierge for your childbirth education can make all the difference.

Personalized Attention and Expert Guidance

We believe that every family’s journey is unique. Our classes are designed to cater to your individual needs, ensuring you receive the personalized attention you deserve. Our experienced instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach to every class. They are committed to answering your questions, addressing your concerns, and empowering you with the information you need to feel confident and prepared.

Comprehensive and Holistic Approach

Our childbirth classes cover every aspect of the birthing process, from understanding labor stages and pain management techniques to newborn care and postpartum recovery. We take a holistic approach, addressing not only the physical but also the emotional and psychological aspects of childbirth. This ensures that you and your partner are fully prepared for the incredible journey ahead.

Building Confidence and Reducing Fear

Childbirth can be daunting, especially for first-time parents. Our classes are designed to alleviate your fears and build your confidence. By providing clear, accurate information about what to expect, we help you demystify the birthing process. You’ll learn practical techniques for managing pain, making informed decisions, and navigating the unexpected, all of which contribute to a more positive and empowered birthing experience.

Creating a Supportive Community

One of the most valuable aspects of our childbirth classes is the sense of community they foster. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with other expectant parents who are going through similar experiences. These connections often extend beyond the classroom, providing a network of support and friendship that can be invaluable during pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood.

Inclusive and Accessible Options

We understand that every family has different needs and schedules. That’s why we offer you a variety of class formats, including in-person, private, and virtual options. Whether you prefer the intimacy of a one-on-one session or the convenience of online learning, we have a class that fits your lifestyle. Our goal is to make high-quality childbirth education accessible to everyone, no matter your circumstances.

Empowering You for a Confident Birth

Our ultimate aim at Childbirth Concierge is to empower you to have the birth experience you desire. We equip you with the tools and knowledge to make informed choices, advocate for your preferences, and approach your birthing day with confidence. We believe that when you feel informed and supported, you can embrace the beauty of childbirth with a sense of peace and assurance.

Testimonials from Our Families

Here’s what some of our families have to say about their experience with Childbirth Concierge:
*”Taking the childbirth class at Childbirth Concierge was the best decision we made during our pregnancy. The information was comprehensive, and the support we received was incredible. We felt so much more confident and prepared for our baby’s arrival.”* – Sarah and John
*”The instructors at Childbirth Concierge are amazing! They provided personalized attention and answered all our questions with patience and expertise. We couldn’t have asked for a better experience.”* – Emily and James


Choosing Childbirth Concierge for your childbirth education means choosing a path of empowerment, support, and confidence. Our classes are designed to prepare you for the incredible journey of childbirth, ensuring you feel knowledgeable, supported, and ready to welcome your new baby with open arms. Join our community and let us help you make your childbirth experience as positive and memorable as it can be.
Should I go to a Childbirth Class?

Should I go to a Childbirth Class?

Childbirth Class

Often times I hear pregnant moms say “I don’t need to go to childbirth class I am going to use an epidural” and it is probably one of the biggest misconceptions about childbirth class that exist. Before the electronic era and wide spread use of pain medication for pain control, the common way expectant parents could learn about what was going to happen to them during birth was to attend a childbirth class. Over the years the childbirth education classes have seen a decline in attendance, yet a lot of people spend more time and resources researching how to remodel a bathroom or kitchen than learning about bringing a baby into the world.


Today offers a lot more options. With YouTube and the internet, one doesn’t even need to leave their home or put down their hand held device to get advice and information on giving birth.  It is true that babies will come into this world without their parents taking a class on “childbirth”. After all, childbirth classes didn’t exist 100 plus years ago and babies still arrived. Fast forward to a very busy society.  Today 80% to 90% of laboring patients use epidural and c-section rates are the highest they have ever been across the United States.
Learning from a childbirth expert what you can do to increase your chances of a positive birth experience is worth your time and money. Most hospitals offer some type of class, but it is also very popular to see other classes offered in the community. For those with busy schedules, private classes are the perfect option and are not as expensive as you might think. Most classes whether group or private should cover basic items like when to go to the hospital or birth center, stages and phases of labor, basic terminology, comfort measures, partner tips, interventions. Some classes include newborn care and breastfeeding. The hot topics usually are pain medications.

Thoughts on Pain Management

In my 34 years of experience there are generally three types of thinking when approaching pain control;
1. I definitely want an epidural.
2. I will wait and see if I need one.
3. No thank you, I do not want one.
There is no right or wrong answer, only you can decide, but I also encourage you to stay open about options. For example if you are planning on an epidural learning about when the ideal time is  to get an epidural can help you to decrease your chances of a C-section. Most moms don’t realize that the number one way to decrease their chances of a C-section is to wait until active labor to come to the hospital. We call this the 511 rule – contractions at least 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute long, for at least 1 hour. Also using a peanut ball decreases chances of surgery as well.
If you are planning on not having an epidural, have you thought about what it takes? Do you have good labor support? Have you thought about hiring a doula? Key to laboring without an epidural is movement, use of hydro therapy, access to many comfort measures, and understanding all the ins and outs of labor. Do you understand when an epidural can be beneficial? Yes, even for those “natural” mamas, sometimes interventions can be helpful in unique situations. Being prepared and not afraid makes a world of difference.
Birth planning and birth itself is not 100% black and white.

Education Empowers

The more you are educated and understand the value in good communication with your nurses, midwives and doctors the more satisfied you will be even if the need arises for a C-section.
Your childbirth educator is the expert that you can ask all kinds of questions to and bounce things off that you have read or heard.
It’s is your birth, and education is key!

Orlando classes click here

Virtual Classes email [email protected]

Kathy Bradley, CD, ICCE, IBCLC has been in the Maternal Health field for 34 years and has taught countess families.  She taught for 14 years as the 2nd largest volume hospital in the US, located in Orlando.

Planning a Positive Birth Experience

Planning a Positive Birth Experience

In a day and age where there are so many choices, how in the world do new parents begin to navigate pregnancy and birth?  Planning a Positive Birth Experience was the name of a class I wrote back in 1993 and later taught at Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies in Orlando Florida to help parents navigate all the choices. Yes, I have been teaching and supporting expectant families for 30 years now!  So I am in the process of turning that class into a book.

Are You in the Wrong Class?

I used to open the class by welcoming everyone and then making sure they were in the right class they registered for. “This is Planning a Positive Birth Experience Class, if you signed up for the Horrible Birth Class, that meets on Friday nights at 7pm” I would say.  Everyone laughed, but I wanted parents to make a conscience thought about how silly it would be to actually go to a class that helps you learn how to prepare for a horrible or bad experience.  In reality people don’t plan for a bad experience they just don’t always do the work towards creating a positive birth experience!   

Birth Values

So how do you see yourself in labor?   Are you calm and breathing through contractions, or are you scared and praying this baby magically appears?  In other words, what is your birth value or philosophy?  Some of you may know right away how you see yourself giving birth, and other think “I have no clue”. For those of you who say you have no clue or are not really sure, I invite you to do a little exercise.  Make a mental note, or jot down the first three words that come to mind when I say “giving birth at home”.   Was the general feel to your words more negative or positive?  Now do the same thing with the words “giving birth in a hospital”.  Was the general feel of the words you thought positive or negative?  I could also use the words natural birth/no pain medication or Epidural.  The point being that you instinctively  have a thought process around different options around giving birth. Most likely those feeling are running around in your subconscious. It doesn’t mean you must keep these thoughts but pregnancy is a time to evaluate how you really feel and if you want to make any changes in your thought processes.   I invite you to begin exploring different options and see how you feel about them.

Care Providers & Birth Location

I do recommend expectant families to think through who they choose to see for care and where the provider practices and delivers.  These two choices alone can have a huge impact on your experience and birth outcomes. Ask co-workers or friends about their experiences with providers, not just who did they go to and did they like them. In some areas in the US, because of the ‘culture” of birth, can increase your chances of a surgical birth just by the zip code. Find those providers where you feel respected, listened to and their office staff matches the provider’s care of you.  Do your best homework upfront, but also don’t be afraid to change providers if you feel something isn’t right for you. Trust your gut!

The Right Support 

Every step that you make toward the birth of your baby is important. Most people wouldn’t plan a trip oversees without researching and educating themselves on the various aspects of the country, lodging, food and activities.  The same should go for planning for your baby.  Some say birth is as strenuous as running a marathon.  Think about who you would want next to you encouraging you.  Do they support your decision or would they to talk you out of something that is important to you because of their own bias?  Consider what their birth philosophy might be, does it align with yours?  Choosing the right doula, a labor support person, is another option for your birth team. Each year more and more families are partnering with doulas for labor support. When hiring a doula you ultimately are hiring her ability to articulate her years of experience into your birth experience. Once again trust your gut when interviewing.

Learning is Foundational

In full transparency, as a childbirth educator my bias is naturally towards education.  I do feel strongly about the importance of birth, postpartum, breastfeeding and parenting education.  Some choose not go to class and do just fine as the body does know how to birth a baby!  But I prefer people to educate themselves and have better birth experiences by feeling empowered and understanding the process that your body and baby will go through.  There are all different kinds of books and classes available.  By choosing a class that covers relaxation techniques for natural, medicated and c-sections you will be well rounded and prepared.  Look for classes that align more with what your are wanting to do in labor.

Is Birth Plan a Four Letter Word?

In truth, I love and hate birth plans!  I strongly feel that they are a communication tool of desires that can be quickly communicated to the birth provider team. I love the fact that just the concept and thought of writing one out invites expectant couples to begin to explore options they may have not realized they have. I hate them because they are not meant to be written-in-stone agreements, and can be disastrous if expected to be.  Ask your provider how they feel about them and what their experience has been.  Their response may give you further insights to how they will work with you during labor.

Weathering Bumps in the Road

As poet Robert Burns wrote ” the best laid plans of mice and men” means no matter how well you plan, things may not always go your way. Often time parents forget that there is a baby, a little tiny human being, that also gets a say in how they arrive earth side. So in all your planning I encourage you to check in often with your baby.  It may seem weird to do this, but science has proven babies in the womb can hear and are conscience beings, they sense and feel what mom experiences.  I bet some people speak more to their pets than they do the baby in their belly.  I invite you to begin having conversations with your baby and what your plans are, you’d be surprised how smart they are. 

When ever you are experiencing a bump in the road, you can do a very simple, and fast technique to called Heart Focused Breathing (click here for a 2 min video). Close your eyes and focus your attention to your heart. Imagine that you are breathing in and out of that region of your chest or heart. As your breathing slows and goes deeper, imagine something that is calming, peaceful or that represents safety and peace.  Keep your focus there for a few minutes, this will help your body, mind and emotions come into coherence. Did you know that your heart send more messages to your brain than your brain to your heart?  Sit a minute with that.  Are you making decisions from your heart or head?

No Judgement Zone

No matter how you choose to birth or the outcome of your birth, I want you to be able to look in the mirror and be proud and satisfied with your birth experience and how you navigated decisions that needed to be made.  Our society shames so many women for so many things. There is no right or wrong way to give birth. Create your own NO JUDGEMENT ZONE!  This comes from a deep knowing and belief in your ability to make the decision you need to for you and your baby! Healthy boundaries are part of delivering your own peace of mind!


Kathy Bradley, IBCLC, CD, CCE is available for “Planning” appointments/consulting.  She can be reached at [email protected]


Word is Spreading- “We made the news” Free Virtual Childbirth Classes during Covid-19

Word is Spreading- “We made the news” Free Virtual Childbirth Classes during Covid-19

Childbirth Concierge is offering certain free virtual childbirth and breastfeeding classes as well as virtual doula support during the Covid-19 aka Corona virus.  While Serving the greater Orlando area, our virtual classes and support has no location restrictions..

Anyone anywhere can benefit from our education and support.   Our company motto is Delivering your peace of mind!!  Please reach out , we are here to support you!

Click the you tub video to watch the new story.

Thank you to Spectrum News for taking the time to share our contribution.

Click Here for Full Story

If you are interested in Free Childbirth & Breastfeeding Classes or Virtual Labor Support please visit us at https://childbirthconcierge.com

Breastfeeding Class- Virtual


FREE Childbirth Class-Planning a Positive Birth Experience during Covid 19 – Virtual Class

Giving Birth During Covid-19

Giving Birth During Covid-19

No doubt you did not plan to give birth during the corona virus pandemic! We are in chaotic and very stressful times as our country navigates through this global pandemic.  Childbirth Concierge has always dedicated our work to Delivering your peace of mind!  We spoke with Dr. April Merritt of Delany Park OB/GYN located in Orlando Florida to hear what patients were concerned about birth and corona virus and to gain guidance from what she is sharing with her patients.

If you need support and classes we are here for you.  During the month of April our classes and virtual doula support is complimentary!

Reach out at https://childbirthconcierge.com/contact/

https://womenscarefl.com/provider-pro… Dr. April A. Merritt is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is a member of the American Institute of Minimally Invasive Surgery. She is a Fellow in the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Merritt practices general obstetrics and gynecology. She also practices high-risk obstetrics and handles minimally invasive laparoscopies and same-day surgeries and performs vaginal prolapse surgery such as anterior and posterior repairs. She is a wife and mother of two handsome boys.

Dr. Merritt is located in Central Florida and practices at Winnie Palmer for Women & Babies https://winniepalmerhospital.com 

If you are interested in Childbirth & Breastfeeding Classes or virtual labor support please visit us at https://childbirthconcierge.com